
Student Services
At Bullsbrook College we want all members of our school community to feel that they are welcome and that they belong. Our goal is that our students have a positive schooling experience and leave school with the capability and focus to live personally fulfilling lives. Our Student Services team is dedicated to providing a holistic approach to student care and is supported by some special team members.
The Chaplain is a vital part of the Student Services team, building positive relationships with students, staff and the local community. The Chaplain is available to help in times of need or crisis offering care and support through counselling and mentoring, including assisting students who are bullied, isolated, or experiencing difficult times including anxiety, family breakdown, illness and loss.
School Nurse
Our School Nurse provides health promotion and prevention as part of our Student Services team to support the health and wellbeing needs of our students. The School Nurse may be involved in supporting the development of health related curriculum and policy, the delivery of health education in partnership with teachers, and the delivery of individual and group programs for students.
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist provides support in the areas of social-emotional well-being, study skills, transition, positive relationships and life skills. Specific therapeutic approaches, such as counselling on a variety of personal, social and emotional issues can also be provided for students and parents. Student in Years 10-12 can self-refer by seeking an appointment with the School Psychologist directly via email. Younger students can be referred by parents or Student Services staff and teachers.
Year Coordinators
Our Year Coordinators provide academic support, monitoring and assist with the welfare of all students within their year cohort. They work with the teachers to ensure that the school environment is a safe, pleasant and positive experience for the students in that year level.
House System
A major part of the Pastoral Care Program at Bullsbrook College is our House System. The school has four Houses that represent four key parts of the Bullsbrook area.
They are the:
The Avon River flows through National Parks only a few kilometres from our school.
The Darling Scarp is a low escarpment also known as the Darling Ranges. A famous local bushranger known as Moondyne Joe hid in the bushland in the Darling Scarp in the 1860s.
The RAAF Base Pearce is a prominent feature of the town of Bullsbrook and only a few minutes’ walk from the school.
The beautiful Walyunga National Park is only a few minutes drive south of the school and is accessed by our students for canoeing and walking.
The House System is a major vehicle for promoting student excellence and achievement in the school. Students earn House Points by participating in events, being positive contributors in the school yard and also in the classroom. House activities are held regularly. A highlight of the school calendar is our House Athletics Carnival held in September of each year.
On each campus, the winning House each term is rewarded, as well as each Semester. The winning House for the year across the whole school is rewarded by being named the Champion House and attending a Reward Function.
Each House has a staff Leader on each campus and these Leaders are assisted by student House Leaders on each campus.